Customer Testimonials

Best truck stop on the East Coast! Plenty of food choices. Good food, good service, friendly staff. The store has everything for a truck you can imagine, and more. Plenty of parking on a huge lot. 

John H.

Lots of choices as a traveler, trucker, and motorcycle rider…super clean bathrooms, plenty of food choices, drink choices and retail for about anything cute and or useful you would need on the road or to have as a souvenir.

Amanda B

My family and I travel south on 95 between Virginia and the Carolinas on a frequent basis. Your station in Kenly is just at the rite place to stop for both lunch and bathroom breaks. This last stop, I observed maintenance replacing the filters in the ceiling vents. But they also took the time to vacuum the vents before closing them. Having multiple truck stops in my county, I have never been in one where the filters were replaced let alone the vacuum part. This just falls in with the rest of the store that has always been super clean. Even the parking lot was being cleaned of litter on this day. That is what will cause me to continue to frequent your business.

Sgt. Chris Douglas

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